States [June, 2012]

Andhra Pradesh Population Census

The official census 2011 of Andhra Pradesh has been conducted by Directorate of Census Operations in Andhra Pradesh.As per details from Census 2011, Andhra Pradesh has population of 8.46 Crore, an increase from figure of 7.62 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Andhra Pradesh as per 2011 census is 84,665,533 of which male and female are 42,509,881 and 42,155,652 respectively. In 2001, total population was 76,210,007 in which males were 38,527,413 while females were 37,682,594.The total population growth in this decade was 11.10 percent while in  previous decade it was 13.86 percent. The population of Andhra Pradesh  forms 7.00 percent of India in 2011. In 2001, the figure was 7.41 percent.

State AP Registers Drop in Sex Ratio

The future demographic profile of the state looks bleak as the child sex ratio has fallen to 943 from 961 in 2001, relaeased on 7 June 2012.The figures for rural (942) and urban(946).

Dimple Yadav Declared Elected

Chief Minister Akilesh yadav’s wife ,Dimple yadav on 9 June became the first women elected unopposed in a Lok Sabha by elction from uttar pradesh and second candidate in the entire state after Purshottam Das Tundon’s election from Allahabad west in 1952.

Assam Government Released Vision Document For Women And Children

Assam government on 12 June 2012 released the vision document for the state’s women and children. The government in the vision document announced to come out with various measures to address the issues like high Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate in the state.The document talks of reducing Infant mortality rate from 58 to 38 per 1000 live births, reduction in maternal mortality rate (MMR) to 210 per 100000 live birth, reduction of total fertility rate to2.1 per cent, improving child sex ratio, reduction in percentage of anemia in children and women and reducing the percentage of underweight children (0-5 years) by 30 per cent.

Arunachal Gets Country’s Fourth Buddhist Centre

Arunachal Pradesh, where around 13 percent of the population follows Buddhism, has got its first full-fledged Buddhist centre after Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. The Central Institute of Himalayan Culture Studies at Dahung in West Kameng district, where a majority of the people follow Tibetan Buddhism, is now a full-fledged central institute, according to its founder Tsona Gontse Rinpoche.

Five Northeastern States and Himachal Pradesh Appraised As Most Environmentally Sustainable States

The Environmental Sustainable Index (ESI) 2011 released on 14 June 2012, appraised five northeastern states (Tripura, Sikkim, Manipur, Mijoram, Arunachal Pradesh) and Himachal Pradesh as the most environmentally sustainable states in the country. The index was released by Centre for Development Finance (CDF), affiliated to Institute for Financial Management and Research.Among larger states, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal performed poorly on maximum of environmental indicators while Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka received high ratings. States with rich natural resources like Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar were rated moderate in the chart.

YSR Congress Party Won In By-Election

In the by-election in A.P for 18 Assembly seats and ! Lok sabha seat, YSR congress party won 15 assembly seat and 1 Lok sabha seat.The ruling party congress won 2 seats .TRS won 1 seat .Draawing a blank , the Telugu Desam suffered the dubious distinction of not having won a single seat in 41 successive by-electins since 2009.

India’s First River-lake link project launched In Bundelkhand

“The Madhya Pradesh government claims to have launched the country’s first ever river-lake linking project in the water-scarce Bundelkhand region. The Harpura irrigation and river-lake link project, launched in the Tikamgarh district, will be implemented under the Center’s Rs.7266 crore Bundelkhand package. It will link the perennial Jamni river to the nearby lakes and water bodies built during the Chandel era. Under the project, an additional 1,980 hectares of land are expected to come under irrigation.

Rajasthan Un Employment Dole for Graduates

The Rajasthan government on 20 June announced an unemployment allowances scheme, with effect from July 1 , for educated youth registered with employment exchanges for more than a year.It provides for an allowance of Rs.500 a month to the eligible candidate
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