Committees in News [May, 2012]

Competition Commission Of India, Constituted Eminet Persons Advisory Group 

The competition commission of India (CCI) formed an Eminet Persons Advisory Group (EPAG) on 7 May 2012. The group is constituted to provide CCI inputs and advise on issues impacting markets and competition, among others. The group comprise Infosys founder N.R.Nayanan Murthy former comptroller and Auditor General V.N Kawl, Former Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India Rakesh Mohan, Biocon Chairman and M.S Kran Mazumdar- shaw, former Directorof IIM-Amedhabad Bakul Dholaka, formerchairman of CEFC S.L.Ro, former vice chancellor of NLSIU- Bangalore N.L Mitra . Thee group will hold its maiden meeting on July 2012 The group will have interaction/ meeting with the commission two to three times a year.

Seven Members Committe To Look After Deplorable Conditions Of Widows      

The Supreme Court on 9 May 2012 set up a seven member committee to look into the deplorable conditions of widows destitutes living in Vrindavan and set an eight week dead line to complete the report. The committe headed by the chairman of the Mathura District Legal Services Authority and  will prepare a list of the widows with their names , age and reasons for being in Vrindavan in Uttarpradesh.
Committee Formed By Delhi Government To Promote Welfare Of DTC  Workers     

A committee was formed by Delhi Government on 18 May 2012 under the chairman ship of principal secretary of the Finance Department to promote the welfare of Delhi Transport Corp(DTC) workers. The objective of forming the committee is to ensure participation of DTC workers in Delhi Transport Cooporation management . The decision toform the committe was announced by  Delhi Chief minister in a meeting.
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