National [April, 2012]

On 2G Spectrum, Supreme Court Cancels 122 Licenses

The Supreme Court on Feb 2 2012 cancelled 122 2G licenses granted during the period of former  communication minister A. Raja Jan 2008. The 2G spectrum scandal involved officials in the Government illegally undercharging mobiles telephony companies for frequency allocation licenses.The shortfall between the money collected and the money which the law mandated to be collected isEstimated to be Rs.176,645crore. As the grants of these licenses is illegal and blamed the Governmentfor its flawed’ first come first served’ policy, and imposes a fine of 5crore for each on 3 telecomcompanies which offloaded their shares after getting the licenses.

46,800 Indians Died Of Malaria

Malaria deaths in India is more than 40 times higher than what is presently estimated.New research  published in the Lancet shows that malaria kills 1.2million people worldwide each year-twice as high as the figure in the world malaria report -2011. In India, it is estimated that 4,800″Malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and 42,000 malaria deaths in those aged 5 yrs or older” for the year 2010 as against 19,000 malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and 87,000malaria deaths in those aged 5yrs or older in 2002. Globally, 42% of all malaria deaths occur in older,children & adults. 20% deaths are in 15-49 age groups.

 Major NREGA Reforms To Be Done

Congress Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on Feb 2 2012 said that their had been several complaints of corruption & irregularities regarding rural jobs schemes, MGNREGA. To make immediate reforms in the scheme, the rural development minister Jairam Ramesh told in the MGNREGA conference that the CAG would also look into the expenditure under the scheme and also the payments of wages in time for workers .

In India, Record Of 14 lakh Cancer Cases

India records high of 14 lakh new cases per annum. World Cancer Day, being observed on 4 Feb every  year that over 12.7million people receive cancer diagnosis and 7.6million people die from these disease every year. Nowadays cancer had become lifestyle of the person that is to blame, much like in the case of diabetes and Hypertension.

Yuvraj Singh Confirmed Cancer

Yuvraj Singh, Who played a key role in India’s ODI World Cup triumph in 2011, had been confirmed  with lung cancer had been diagnosed that the tumor was cancerous in his left lung.

The Most Happiest People Reside In Three Countries

According to a poll conducted by global research company IPCo’s, the happiest people of the world     reside in Indonesia, India and Mexico. The survey measured comparative depth and intensity of  happiness among country citizens and the world . As world was a happier place than in 2007 as 22%  of  global citizens were found to be happy in state of mind, Indians were among the happiest on the planet. On a national level, Indonesia had the highest proportion of happiest people with 51%,  followed by India and Mexico with 43% each.

India’s Lakshya-I Successfully Test Flown

India’s indigenously developed micro-light pilot less target aircraft (PTA) Lakshya-I was successfully  test flown from Integrated Test Range at Chandipur near Balasore on 8 Feb 2012. Lakshya, a sub-sonic, re-usable aerial target system is remote controlled from the ground and designed to import  training to both air borne and air defense pilots. The (PTA) had been developed by India’s Aeronautic Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore to perform discreet aerial reconnaissance of battle field and target acquisition.

Approval Of The National Data Sharing & Accessibility Policy

The Union cabinet of India on 9 Feb 2012 approved the national data sharing & accessibility policy (NDSAP 2012) to facilitate access to central Government owned shareable data & information and also national planning & development.

 Special Commemorative Stamp

President Pratibha Patil on 9 Feb 2012 released a special commemorative stamp to mark the golden jubilee of the India International Centre (IIC) in New Delhi. This centre plays a major role in  promoting awareness and creating public opinion. The stamp priced at five rupees promoted the nation image and depicts the rich diverse culture of the country.

Missile Interceptor Tested Successfully

Indian Defense Scientist on 10 Feb 2012 successfully demonstrated an indigenous ballistic missile from the Odisha coast; an air defense missile successfully tracked, hit and destroyed an incoming ballistic missile at a height of 15km and range of 35km, according to the defense research and development organization.

 India’s First Vessel Traffic Service Dedicated To Nation

In Gujarat, India’s first highly sophisticated vessel traffic service was dedicated to the nation in    Kandla. Sixteen thousand square km of Gulf of Kutch are now under strict vigilance by this ultra modern radar system, which is the first and the largest radar surveillance system on Indian coast.

Announcement Of New Telecom Policy

The new telecom policy was announced by communication minister Kapil Sibal on 15 Feb 2012. The key policy measures are aimed at reassuring incumbent operations who had been seeking clarity in rules at a time when the Government is making every possible effort to put the cam-tainted telecom sector back on track. Telecom companies operating in the same region will be allowed to share 2g spectrum. All future allocation of airwaves will only be through auctions.Also, future licenses will be declined from spectrum and companies must buy bandwidth at market rates.

 Sahara Back As Sponsor

The deadlock between the board of control for cricket in India and the Sahara group ended on 16 Feb with the board agreeing to most of the corporates demands. The Sahara owned franchise Pune warriors will continue to play in the Indian premier League, with the board reactivating its unspent auction purse of $16m. From both side a joint statement was given to extent the IPL trading windows till 29 Feb to give Pune warriors the opportunity to negotiate with other franchises. Tore- activate the auctionpurse of Pune warriors so that they can take more players. To start the arbitration proceedings subjectto the consent of others franchisers BCCI had agreed to allow Pune warriors to play five overseasplayers in non-availability of Yuvraj Singh.

“India’s success Had Inspired The World” WHO

An, announcement  was made by the health & family planning minister Glulam Nabi Azad at the 12th Polio summit 2012, held in New Delhi, That the World Health Organisation (WHO) has removed India  from the list of polio-ridden countries. Suggesting that the wild polio virus had been totally eliminated  from the environment. And India had successfully completed an entire year without an incidence of polio. However, India will have to remain polio free for two more years before it is declared polio-free by the WHO. There were only four countries in the WHO endemic list including Pakistan, Nigeria and   Afghanistan.

Government To Set Up National Internet Scanning Agency

The Government is setting up an Internet Scanning agency which will seek to monitor all web traffic  passing through internet service providers in the country.

India To Set Up 20 N-Reactors

To boost up the nuclear energy in the country, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd plans to set up 20 nuclear reactors in different states. They will be ready during the 12th five years plan and the new plants will come up, among other places, at Kovvada in Andhrapradesh. The nuclear energy production in the country has now touched 32,000 million units.

Survey Of India To Bring New Set Of Maps

The survey of India is all set to bring out a new set of maps with never before details like, open spaces, rocky areas, important buildings and landmarks, roads and even power lines passing through an area soon. One of the first such maps brought out by it’s as part of a pilot project was displayed during an exhibition.
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