International [April, 2012]

US To End Afgan Mission By 2013

The President of US Barrack Obama was facing a tough time of re-election campaign, as the strongest signal is that the White House wants to put an end to wars. The US troops completed their withdrawal from Iraq in Dec 2011. So the US Government plans to end combat operations in Afghanistan in 2013  and shift to training program.

Face book Files For Historic IPO

A social networking for huge Face book had filed an initial public offering  (IPO),Which could raise as   much $10 billion and raise the value of the company between $75billion and $10billion.It had more  than 845million active users across the world .

Russia &China Vetoed The UN Security Council Resolution

Russia & China on 4 Feb 2012 vetoed the UN Security Council resolution for the second time in four  months. The resolution condemns the Syria regime’s on public uprising calls upon Present Basher Al Assad to abide by the Arab league time-fame for political reforms in the country. The frame for   implementation of the resolution by Syria was increased from 15 days to 21 days

EU Wants 3rd World To Double Its Renewable Energy By 2030

The European Union (EU) wants Countries meeting at a conference in the up coming June under the UN’s Rio+2o mechanism to double their share of renewable energy by 2030 under an International obligation. EU wants countries like India to agree to double its energy efficiency levels under an  International understanding. All world leaders are to gather in June for the United Nations Conference on sustainable development, known as Rio+20 in policy circles.

Indonesia Became The 157th Country For Test-Ban Treaty

Indonesia had formalized ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty on 6 Feb 2012 at the United Nation. The South-east Asia nuclear weapon free-zone treaty commits ASEAN’s 10 members’ stakes not to develop, manufacture or, otherwise acquire posses or has control over an atomic energy.

Moody’s Cut Rating Of Six European Countries

Moody’s action follow those of standard & poor’s which downgraded rating of six European countries, Italy Malta,Portugal,Slovakia and Slovenia all had their rating cut by one notch with a negative outlook, while Spain was cut by two notches to A3, with a negative outlook. Britain, Australia and     France could lose their triple’ A’ ratings as rating agency Moody placed the countries on negative   watch.

 Pakistan To Grant MFN Status To India By 2012

Pakistan on 15 Feb 2012 agreed liberal trade with India and conceded to put in place a small negative  list of goods by the end of the month where imports will be restricted. By the year end even this negative list expected to be phased out. A joint statement issued after bilateral talks between commerce minister Anand Sharma and Markhdosm .Pakistan will grant MFN status to India by October 2012.

Three New Nuclear Projects By Iran

Iran on 15 Feb 2012 launched three nuclear projects including a fourth generation ultra centrifuge, which is capable of enriching the uranium faster than its earlier models. The first one was at the Iranian  Atomic Organisation Research Center in Tehran where Iran’s first home made nuclear fuel rods were loaded into a medical reactor. This would be used for production of two other projects in the Nathan plant in Central Iran. Enriched uranium is a critical compound for both civil nuclear power  generation and nuclear weapons

China to Be Top Gold Consumer In 2012

According to the World Gold Council ( WGC ) China had over taken India as the country with  greatest appetite for gold in 2012. Its Jewellery investment demand reached 769.8 tonnes in 2011.Representing 82 % of Indian’s level of demand for gold which was at 933.4 tonnes. The Chines figure had only recently risen above the 50% mark in the gold market.

EU-US In Trade Tie- up

The US and European countries had entered into a historic trade arrangement that will pare way for organic products certified in the U.S or EU to be sold in either region from 1 June  2012 To bring the  two largest organic producers and markets together to promote organic farming and is valued at around $60billion. Germany stands as its contribution to the organic market is $ 6billion.

Dow Chemicals Remain To Be Sponsor For London Olympics

The International Olympic Committee ( IOC) on 16 Feb 2012 announced that Dow Chemicals would  remain a sponsor of the London Olympics. The Indian Olympic Association had appealed to the IOC  London Games Organizing committee to withdraw the Dow’s sponsorship from the London Olympics. The International Olympic Committee turned down the appeal of IOC maintaining that Dow chemicals, the parent company of Union Carbide had no role in the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984. It insisted Dow chemicals did not have any ownership stake in union carbide until 16 yrs after the disaster and 12yrs after the USD 470 million compensation agreements was approved by the supreme court of India.

Independent Evaluation Group On World Bank’s Crisis

A phase -two study of the World Bank’s crisis response, presented in a report, that the world Bank’s response to the global economic crisis. Phase II was released on 23 Feb 2012. The report noted during  its responses to the worst financial economic crisis that hit the world economy in 2008, the World Bank failed to adequately modify its lending patterns as per the severity at the downturn across nations.

World’s Richest Country Qatar

Qatar had the world’s highest per capita GDP  Rs. 43,06733 , while the economy grew by 19.40%, the  fastest in the world . Qatar had been proven reserves of both oil and natural gas. Qatar tops the list of  world’s richest countries by the Forbes magazine in 2012, with a small citizen population of less than 17 lakh people. The Forbes magazine had announced 182 countries ranking among these countries the   world richest country is Qatar ,in second place is Luxembourg, in third place is Singapore,  and Burundi, Liberia and Congo at the least places. Qatar is the place where the next World football world cup is  going to be held in 2022.

N.Korea, Agreed To n-Moratorium’s

United states officials confirmed that North Korea had agreed to halt nuclear tests and activities and implement a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile development in exchange for a US  package of 240,000metric tonnes of food aid. The agreement also includes suspension of uranium enrichment activities at Yongbyon and also permission for International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to return and conform the disablement of the 5-MW reactor and associated facilities.

Long List Of Millionaires In China’s Parliament

The membership of the National Poeple’s Congress provides wealthy businessmen on powerful platform and secure their support for the communist party of China .The NPC, the chinese parliament and top legislative body convenes in Beijing on March 5 for its annual session, it will be bringing together not only China’s most powerful political leaders but also some of the nation’s wealthiest individuals. The net worth o f the 70 richest delegates at the NPC, was $89.8billion, the country’s 3,000 Members’ legislative house.
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