Conferences [April, 2012]

National Conference On Governance

The national conference on Governance’ was held on 29 Jan  2012 at the NCUI auditorium in New Delhi, organized by the Foundation for peace, Harmony &Good Governance in association with global steel.

IACTS 58th Conference

The 58th annual meeting of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS) was held from 8 to 12 Feb 2012 in Kolkata had focused on rising incidence of heart diseases and  remedies. The four day meet of the cardiac surgeons would be synchronized by the joint workshop with the European Association for cardiac thoracic surgery. For the first time in India, the original research work on genetics causes of heart diseases and diabetic will be presented. And  also the first     even demonstration of the recent version of the Artificial Heart ‘Heartmate II’.

International Diamond Conference

The 10th International Kimberlite conference meeting was held from 6 to 11 Feb 2012 at Bangalore(GSI). It is the first time to conduct the conference in India .

15th National Conference On e- Governance In Odisha

The 15th National conference on e-Governance conference had been inaugurated by the chief minister M.Naveen Patnaik on 8 Feb 2012 which will be held for two days. The conference aims at providing a platform for effective interaction of policy makers, practitioners and industry leaders to deliberate and identify priorities and recommend strategy for good governance.

Luminescence Conference

The 4th “International Conference on Luminescence and its Application’s” (ICLA) 2012 conference had been organized by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies on 8 Feb2012 in Hyderabad. About 350 delegates from all over the country are participating to present their latest findings and discuss several crucial issues.

Global Company Meets In Delhi

The top corporate, ministry officials of international experts meeting had been held in New Delhi for two days 9,10 Feb 2012.To discus the issues related to responsibilities of company boards, stake holders expectations concern about corruption from all sectors of society etc.

The 12th India – EU Summit

The 12th India – EU summit was held in New Delhi on 10 Feb 2012. EU was represented by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and Mr. Jose Manver Durau Barrow, president of   European commission.

India, Asean Summit For 2-Days

The Association of South East Nations (Asean ) summit had held in New Delhi on 12 Feb 2012 with the theme of India and Asean partners for peace, progress and stability. The two days conference will also mark two decades of India-Asean cooperation and also to look areas where the relationship can be further consolidated.

The 44th Session Of Indian Labour Conference

The 44Th session of Indian Labour conference was held on 14 and 15 Feb 2012, under the chairmanship of Shri Mallikajun Kharge, Union minister of Labour and Employment. The conference was inaugurated by P.M Manmohan singh on 14 Feb in New Delhi . The conference was attended by senior representatives of workers & employers. Organisation and state labour ministers and senior officers from central ministers, departments and state government. The conference was deliberated upon very critical issues of minimum wages, social security and employability and employment.

9th Three -Day International Conference & Exhibition

The 9th three day International conference & exhibition was hosted by the society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG),which was inaugurated on 16 feb 2012 in Hyderabad, to discus the major  challenges that the oil and gas sectors facing .
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