Conferences [March, 2012]

The 50th Anniversary Celebration of (AARDO)

The Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has inaugurated the 50th anniversary celebrations of Afro Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO) on 5 March 2012 in New Delhi. The members of the countries to work together and to build a favourable international regime axis funds and green technologies for rural growth. This organization consists of 15 African and 14 Asian countries

International Conference of BRICS

Delegates from Russia, China and South Africa arrived at the International conference on New World Economic Order organised at Gitam University in Visakhapatnam on 10 March 2012. BRICS was firmly committed to the common interests of the countries and strengthens the role of emerging markets and developing countries in global economic governance

Turkey World Trade Bridge Business Summit

A seven days Turkey World Trade Bridge International Business Summit is going to be organized by the confederation of Businessman and Industrialists of Turkey (TUSKON) and the Indo-Turkish Business Association (ITBA) from 3 June to 10 June 2012 in Istanbul. More than 15 Hyderabad businessmen are expected to participate in the summit. The envoy said that Turkey was also seriously pursuing a free trade agreement (FTA) or economic partnership agreement (EPA) with India to accelerate bilateral trade that hit a historic high of $7billion last year.

World Telugu Conference At Thrirupati

The Andhra Pradesh state Government had decided to conduct the third Telugu Conference in December in Thirupati as proposed earlier. The previous conference, which held at Hyderabad and Kuala Lumpur which focused mainly on Telugu language and culture. The meet would be highlights the strides made by the Andhra Pradesh over the years.

Two days 2nd Nuclear Security Summit In Seoul (NSS)

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has taken part at the two days Nuclear Security Summit that will be attended by 53 leaders and five international organisations, which held at Seoul in South Korea. The meeting will discuss the threats posed by the nuclear terrorism and the measures required to prevent terrorists from gaining access to sensitive nuclear material & technologies,  calling Nuclear terrorism as one of the most challenging threats to international security, the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security summit had outlined a number of steps the world should take to secure vulnerable nuclear material.

All countries should sign up to international treaties on nuclear security like the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material ( CPPNM), its 2005 amendment and the international convention for the suppression of nuclear terrorism.

Countries with resources should contribute more to the IAEA’s Nuclear security fund

Countries should minimize the use of highly enriched uranium (HEU) for civilian purposes

Countries should  secure all radioactive sources

Nuclear safety and nuclear security measures should be designed, implemented and managed in nuclear facilities in a coherent and synergistic manner

Countries should  consider appropriate plans for the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste

Action oriented coordination to combat illicit trafficking urged on all, consistent with national laws and regulations

Countries should work with one another to develop and enhance nuclear forensis capabilities

Countries  encouraged to develop a nuclear security culture

Attention must be paid to information security, preventing non-stake actors from obtaining information required to get or use nuclear materials as a weapon or to hack into IT-based security and safety systems at nuclear facilities

World Summit On Accreditation

India, the independence accreditation agency organized its 1st world summit on Accreditation from 25 -28 March 2012 in New Delhi.( WOSA )world summit on Accreditation would bring together Indian and global leaders in Technical, professional education, educational Administration,Policy makers and regulatory bodies, corporate and Industry .WOSA- 2012 has been inaugurated by the Honourable union minister for education Mr.Kapil Sibal.

23rd Arab Summit In Baghdad

The 23rd Arab summit was held on 29 March 2012 Baghdad, half of the Arab world’s 22 heads of states had to meet for the summit in former president Saddam Hussain’s palace, but only few leaders gathered. It was the first summit to be held following the people’s power movement. Syria’s crisis topped the agenda for the Arab summit and discussed about the turmoil in Iraq’s .

“Indian Aviation 2012″ At Hyderabad

The international exhibition-cum conference “Indian Aviation 2012″ held at Hyderabad from 14-18 March 2012. A special postal stamp was released on the eve of completing hundred years of Indian Aviation

Two-Day National Agricultural Conference

Two-day national agricultural conference held at New Delhi. Eminent scientist and higher authorities from all over the country participated in this conference

The Fourth BRICS Summit

The fourth BRICS summit was held in New Delhi on 29 March 2012, the theme of the summit was BRICS partnership for global stability,  security  and prosperity. At the end of the summit a draft was released as ‘ Delhi Declaration’. In that declaration the BRICS countries decided to work together on internal trade in local currencies and to establish BRICS bank. The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, The Prime minister of India,  Manmohan singh, The president of China Hu Jinton and President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma were participated in the summit.
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